8th International Conference on New Trends in
Social Sciences
20 - 22 June 2025
Nice, France
One social studies conference with multiple functions – a journey through various disciplines of social sciences and all their aspects!
NTSSCONF 2025 aims at creating a scholarly forum for researchers, professors and educational representatives to share their knowledge and promote new horizons for research in social sciences. NTSS social studies conferences’ scope comprises a broad selection of studies, research papers, presentations, and posters in the main branches of Social Sciences including Anthropology, Politics, Law, Communication Studies, Psychology, Geography, History, Education, and Sociology. You are welcome to participate in this journey towards new learning and publication opportunities. The organizing committee of NTSS sociology conferences is thrilled to host you on June 20-22, 2025 in Nice, France.
Do not miss the social studies conferences in 2025!
NTSSCONF politics conference– Connecting the world scholars to new perspectives and approaches
Join the event and experience the vibrant environment of the social studies conferences
Social Studies Conferences Topics:
Communication Studies
Sociology & Anthropology
Communication Studies
- Advertising
- Bot journalists
- Business & Organizational Communication
- Cartoons
- Comic strips
- Communication Arts
- Communication Management
- Education Communications and Technology
- Embedded journalism
- Fake news
- Film & Cinema
- Human Communication
- Information Communication
- Internet
- Journalism
- Language and Communication
- Media ethics
- Media Studies
- Political Communication
- Press embargoes
- Print Media
- Privacy
- Public Relations
- Publishing
- Radio
- Slanting
- Social & Ethical Issues in Communication
- Social media
- Social media literacy
- Social networking
- Tabloids
- Telecommunications
- Television
- Yellow journalism
- Adult and Continuing Education
- Civic Education and Leadership
- Classroom Management
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Distance Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Education Policy
- Educational Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Standards
- Educational Technology
- Educational Theory
- E-Learning
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- Humanities Education
- Learning Disabilities
- Learning Styles & Theories
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
- Testing & Assessment
- Alternative Fuels
- Climate Change
- Cultural Geography
- Development Geography
- Earth & Resources
- Economic Geography
- Ecotourism
- Green Cities
- Political Geography
- Sustainable Design
- Transportation
- African History
- Ancient & Classical History
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- Asian History
- Economic History
- European History
- Historiography
- Middle Eastern History
- Military History
- North American History
- Russia & The Soviet Union
- Social History
- Women’s History
- World War I & II
- Administrative Law
- Advertising Law
- Campaign finance laws
- Capital punishment
- Civil Law
- Climate Change Law
- Common Law
- Community policing
- Conflict of Laws
- Copy Right Law
- Crime statistic reporting
- Criminal Law
- Cyber crime
- Death penalty
- Domestic violence
- Economic and Financial Law
- Election Laws
- Forensic genealogy
- Fraud
- Geneva Conventions
- Hate crime
- Hate groups
- Identity theft
- Illegal drug use
- International Human Right Law
- Labor Law
- International terrorism
- Islamic Law
- Labor and Social Law
- Legal History
- Legalization
- Mandatory minimum sentencing
- Maritime Law
- Martial Law
- Mass Communications Law
- Plea bargaining
- Presumptive parole
- Prison overcrowding
- Private International Law
- Prostitution
- Public Law
- Racial profiling
- Rehabilitation
- Riots
- Serial killers
- Sodomy laws
- Undercover police
- Voting rights
- Warren court
- Witness protection program
- Congressional Review Act
- Debates
- Democracy and Democratization
- Donald Trump
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Executive power
- Facebook campaigning
- Governmental Systems & Practices
- History of Western Political Thought
- Human Rights
- International Affairs and Strategic Studies
- International Criminal Court
- International Relations
- Mass media effect
- Military Justice
- Mutual defense alliances
- National Popular Vote Bill
- Open government
- Parliamentary system
- Political Economy
- Political Parties
- Political Science
- Politics and Ethics
- Populism
- Presidential campaign
- Public Administration and Policy
- Regional Studies
- Sovereignty
- Supreme Court powers
- Transparency
- United Nations
- Voter registration
- Voter turnout
- Western Constitutional Thought
- World Politics
- Brain & Behavior
- Business/Occupational Psychology
- Child & Adolescent Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Community & Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Rehabilitation Counseling
- Therapy
- Developmental Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Groups & Organizations
- Learning & Developmental Disabilities
- Mental Health
- Personality & Emotions
- Psychological Assessment
- Relationships & The Family
- Social Psychology
Sociology & Anthropology
- Aging
- Applied Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Black Lives Matter
- Elderly care
- Child Research
- Childhood Development & Schooling
- Cliques and Cults
- Conflict theory
- Consumerism
- Counter-cultures
- Crime Studies
- Cultural assimilation
- Cultural studies
- Customs
- Discrimination & Prejudice
- Economic Sociology
- Educational Anthropology
- Equal pay
- Ethnicity
- Family issues and Family Research
- Fashion trends
- Feminism
- Flocking behavior
- Gender Issues
- Globalization Impacts
- Human & Civil Rights
- Humanities
- Law Enforcement
- Leisure, Recreation & Sports
- Mass Media
- Medical Sociology
- Migration & Immigration
- Myth & Folklore
- Nationality
- Online dating
- Online Society/Online Community
- Peace & War
- Police brutality
- Political Sociology
- Population
- Protest
- Religions & Traditions
- Rural Sociology
- Society
- Social Mobility & Social Class
- Social Policy, Social Work and Social Legislation
- Social Psychology
- Sub-cultures
- Superstitions
- Violence
- Work place
- Youth culture